I am a professor in the Department of Communication Studies at San José State U. I teach courses such as organizational communication, internet communication, persuasion, small group communication, communication ethics, interpersonal communication, and public speaking. My research interests include technology and organizations, communication competence, interdisciplinary health care team communication, cognition and emotion in communication, and communication and disabilities. I take a pragmatic approach to research, integrating theory and application. I have published articles in the American Communication Journal, Communication Education, Communication Research, Journal of Constructivist Psychology, Journal of Business Communication, and Western Journal of Communication. I was the second editor of the American Communication Journal. I also edited the newsletter and website for the Western States Communication Association. My current major project is a student- and instructor-friendly public speaking textbook, Public Speaking: An Evolving Art (Wadsworth, in press). The book, co-authored with my recently-retired colleague from SJSU, James Lull, covers the classic foundations of public speaking while incorporating the realities we face in our media and information centered world. Ted and I are also working on a small group communication textbook with McGraw-Hill, Small Group Communication: A Practical Guide for the 21st Century. More information on my brief vita.