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Creative Concepts for Funding your Micro Radio Station Concluding Comments Rogue Radio Research Main Page / Origins / General Strategies / Capitalism v. Enterprise / Concerts and Benefit Shows / Listener Support: On-air, Canvassing, and Tabling / Selling Stuff: T-Shirts, Buttons, Bumper Stickers, and Whatnot / Staff Funding / Non-profit Status Well, there you have it. I hope to be able to add more information on a regular basis and I always am open to suggestions as long as they are constructive and physically possible. If you have relevant experiences that you feel would help others, please drop me a line. I feel that a combination of the methods described on the Rogue Radio Revenue site would be the most effective way to raise money for your station. I know that many Micro Radio activists do not like to talk about or deal with the monetary aspects of keeping a station on the air. However, we are not talking about making gross profits or exploiting people. The fact is, it takes some cash to make it all work and the more you can find it yourself the more independence your station is going to have. Many stations have been floated by the personal contributions of dedicated people, often to the tune of thousands of dollars. People do this because they feel it is important. But let's face it, none of us can really afford to lay out that kind of cash. With any luck, these strategies will help ease the burden on station operators and staff and allow them to get down to the business of broadcasting. Contrary to what the media corporations would have you believe, the business of broadcasting is not about making money, its about making connections and communicating with each other. It is the Fourth Estate of government that is supposed to watch our representatives, judicial system, and our president to make sure they are doing their job for us, as opposed to just "doing" us. As you might guess, most media in this country no longer perform this function, which has led us to Micro Radio and other aspects of the Free Communications Movement. Micro Radio supporters should take heart. Historically, governments have been ultimately unsuccessful in restricting or licensing media. For governments or their institutions, change is like turning around an oil tanker in a bathtub, difficult and slow. This is not the case for individuals and small groups. So keep on your toes and keep in touch with each other. Obey little, resist much, recycle, call your mom, eat your vegetables, and don't give up.