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Stage 7: Presenting the Report.
The format for your final report depends on:
Often a final report involves the use of multiple communication channels, such as text and graphics or audio and visual. For example, if you were presenting information from a series of interviews you conducted for a class, you might want to prepare an oral report that incorporates brief audio clips of the interviewees' responses. If you interviewed people for an investigative report for your student newspaper, you would likely want to include photographs along with the written story.
In determining how to present your report you need to answer the following questions:
After answering the questions listed above, you want to brainstorm for ideas, then evaluate each idea based on your audience, topic, requirements of the assignment, and your own communication skills.
Here are some ways others have presented the information they gathered in their interviews:
Silicon Valley Culture Project. This site presents information from in-depth interviews with the people who work and live in the San José, California, area known as "Silicon Valley." A longitudinal study that began in 1992, the researchers present preliminary results of their study in text and graphics.
Indigenous Australia. This site includes text, audio, and video versions of stories told by indigenous Australians. Dreaming stories refer to stories of the ancestor spirits who created the land and everything on it.
These website examples should give you some ideas of the creative and thoughtful ways in which information interview reports can be presented. New communication technologies in particular are changing the ways in which spoken messages, in this case interviews, are shared with others.